by Mandy Morgan | Dec 1, 2020 | Govan, North West Community Pantry, Pantry, Parkhead, Ruchazie Pantry
Wow look at this for a bargain, hurry though when its gone its gone Check out our website for your nearest Pantry and opening times
by Mandy Morgan | Nov 17, 2020 | Govan, North West Community Pantry, Pantry, Parkhead, Ruchazie Pantry
Fruit is a great breakfast option, providing huge benefits in terms of vitamins, fibre and water as well as being low in fat. They contain natural sugars that your body can breakdown easier than manufactured sugars. They are quick and easy to prepare when you are...
by Mandy Morgan | Nov 16, 2020 | Govan, Parkhead, Ruchazie Pantry
Thanks to our partners at Fareshare we have a selection of free sanitary products available within the Pantries that can be picked up while you shop. We have a range of products tampons & pads as well as more environmentally friendly products like menstrual cups...
by Mandy Morgan | Nov 8, 2020 | Govan, Pantry, Parkhead, Ruchazie Pantry
We have are aware I’m sure of the recent increase in Asylum seeker support. The rate went from £39.60 per week to £39.63 per week. This is a disgraceful position for the UK Government to take. How can anyone survive on just over £5 per day? This is to cover all...