by Mandy Morgan | Dec 8, 2020 | donate, fareshare, Our Pantry Network
This year has been unlike any other, it has been tough mentally and financially for many people and with Christmas around the corner many families are feeling the pinch. The very real levels of poverty that exists within our communities has been exposed and many...
by Mandy Morgan | Dec 4, 2020 | fareshare, Govan, North West Community Pantry, Pantry, Parkhead, Ruchazie Pantry
This year has been unlike any other, it has been tough mentally and financially for many people and with Christmas around the corner many families are feeling the pinch. The very real levels of poverty that exists within our communities has been exposed and many...
by Mandy Morgan | Dec 4, 2020 | fareshare, Govan, North West Community Pantry, Pantry, Parkhead, Recipes, Ruchazie Pantry
Who doesn’t love toast, try this fancy toast alternative to boring toast and butter 2 slice of brown bread50g soft goat’s cheese4 strawberries, sliced2 small handfuls rocket leavesdrizzle of honey
by Mandy Morgan | Dec 3, 2020 | fareshare, Our Pantry Network, Pantry
The Scottish Pantry Network has been established in partnership with Fareshare Glasgow & The West of Scotland to support the formation and development of local pantries across Scotland. We aim to divert food away from landfill and promote a sustainable, dignified...
by Mandy Morgan | Dec 3, 2020 | fareshare, Ruchazie Pantry
The pantry has a limited stock of advent calendars, hurry when they are gone, they are gone